GVA Spring 25

Family Resources

Hello families! On this page you will find everything you should need to help your student to have a successful Read4Funds fundraiser! If you have any questions, please contact your school rep first for school specific questions and then contact Read4Funds staff using the Contact Us link.

In order to reach our $20,000 school goal, we are asking each student to set a $50 minimum fundraising goal. Please support your students’ efforts to reach their individual goals by helping them to contact friends, family and other supporters.

Our students will be reading over 2 weeks and gathering pledges for these minutes.  Our goal for each student is 200 minutes of reading!  Each student can earn a variety of prizes, based on how much they raise.

Social Media Links

You can easily post our donation page link and fundraiser information directly to your Facebook page! Just copy the text in the light blue box, click the dark blue button to open Facebook, paste the text in and Post to Facebook!

Click here to post to FACEBOOK

Send Emails to Friends and Family

Please use the following email template to easily send out messages to friends and family about Global Village Academy’s Read4Funds!

You may enter up to 10 email addresses in the Send Invitation to box, make sure to separate with a comma (,).

Student’s first, last and Teacher name must be entered below to receive credit for Email Campaign Prize. Please list only one student at a time.

    Please change the highlighted fields as required.

    School Goal ($) 20000

    thermometer Total12848.33 School Goal: ($)20000
    Received ($): 12848.33
    School Goal: ($)10000
    Received ($): 12848.33
    Prize: by 2/27 = Glow Dance on 3/1
    School Goal: ($)10
    Received ($): 12848.33
    Received Amount ($) 12848.33